Brighter Futures chosen to benefit from Accuro Jersey Triathalon.
Brighter Futures were delighted to be one of three chosen charities to benefit from proceeds raised by this year's Accuro Jersey Triathlon which took place at the weekend.
Brighter Futures Community Engagement Officer, Sarah Nibbs said:
"Accuro, as Supporting Partners to Brighter Futures assist greatly to share our message and achieve our objectives. Accuro is an organisation that is well informed to provide information about or charity to others with the same passion and enthusiasm as Team Brighter Futures.
The culture that runs throughout Accuro and Brighter Futures involvement within in, reflects shared beliefs and values established by management to truly shape employees perceptions, behaviours and understanding.
These committed individuals, working collectively and in conjunction with us, have a role promoting or raising awareness in fundraising and advocacy.
Long may it continue"