BRIGHTER FUTURES - Physibods Graduation class of 2022.
Such a fabulous morning.
Last week saw 14 young children and their parents, attend this year’s annual ‘graduation ceremony' at the Bridge, home to Brighter Futures on Wednesday 06 July 2022.
At the ceremony, the children put on a wonderful display showing off the physical capabilities that they had been mastering over the term. Physibods is a group were parents and children engage in fun, interactive physical activities which help the children to develop coordination skills, laterality, fine and gross motor skills and balance.
Once again, we were honoured to have our Patron, ambassadors and sponsors present on this special occasion. The Graduation Ceremony was conducted upon completion of the term and to acknowledge the next stage in their ‘journey’ which will be to attend nursery school.
Sir Tim Le Cocq, Bailiff presented the children with their certificates, and the gift of a ‘keepsake book’, to celebrate their achievements to date then cake was enjoyed by everyone before singing our ‘goodbye song’.
Lots of photos were taken so if you were in attendance and wish for the photos of you and your child/ren, please ask your keyworker and they can be forwarded onto you.
#physibods #BFJ #Jerseyci #Graduation