Personal Development Programmes.

Providing the skills our clients may need in order to progress and succeed in education, work and life.

Education is a lifelong and empowering process. Brighter Futures offers a range of programmes designed to equip parents/carers to access and re-engage in personal development and learning within the community.

By implementing a client-centred approach within a supportive learning environment, we prepare individuals for the next step in their journey. Clients work hard to achieve their goals, raise skill levels, increase self-esteem, improve their future life chances and positively influence subsequent generations.

🔗 To view and download our latest programme brochure

For parents/carers with children of all ages.

The learning in this 7-week programme underpins the work carried out in the Growing Together groups and includes:

  • An introduction to the Whole-Brain Perspective in child development.
  • Information about the changing nature of a child’s behaviour.
  • Information about communication and play development.
  • An understanding of emotions and self-awareness in childhood and parenting.
  • An understanding of self-compassion and self-care in childhood and parenting.

Dads only sessions are available

For parents/carers with children of any age

This therapeutic, creative programme focuses on the parents'/carers' strengths, skills and resources, enabling people to look at the difficulties and challenges they face in their own lives.

  • Identifying strengths and skills.
  • Learning how to self-calm and think clearly.
  • Setting and achieving goals to enable positive change.
  • Increasing confidence.
  • Improving relationships.
  • Exploring emotional needs and how to get them met.

For parents/carers with children of any age

Making Changes helps participants to develop their confidence, self-esteem and self-efficacy using tried and trusted techniques designed to help make a more positive impact in their personal lives.

It encourages greater self-belief, motivation and the ability to both set and realise goals.

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